
Political Alignment Test

Adaptive Test

The following test is used to gauge general opinions. Your responses are used to determine your political orientation relative to three political dimensions. This test does not assess alternative dimensions nor does it make conclusions about specific issues of political policy.

If your response is divided between two or more options within a prompt, you can select multiple options when they are not mutually incompatible. The outcome for each prompt will be an average of the options selected.

The Adaptive Test is a hybridized flowchart-style test version which prompts responses to issues which can pertain to multiple PolitiCube dimensions at a time. The test prompts and responses are actively adapted to your responses as you take the test to remove any options that are incompatible with the responses you have already selected, thus tailoring the test to your responses as you take it.

Prompt: Tutorial

[ Tutorial ] How to select answers in this test:

A sovereign government should comprise:

As a sovereign government of one person, answering to no authority other than one's self:

The highest authority controlling a sovereign government should primarily be:

Citizens democratically voting as the highest authority controlling a sovereign government should be done by:

The highest authority controlling a sovereign government should primarily be:

Voting for the highest authority controlling a sovereign government should be done by:

The highest authority controlling a sovereign government should serve:

The influential power of a sovereign government should be vertically divided:

The highest authority at the level of a federal subunit should primarily be:

Citizens democratically voting as the highest authority at the level of a federal subunit should be done by:

The highest authority at the level of a federal subunit should primarily be:

Voting for the highest authority at the level of a federal subunit should be done by:

The highest authority at the level of a federal subunit should serve:

The non-self-administrative responsibilities of a government should include: (omission of any of these basic laws can heavily restrict many aspects of government)

Productive property other than labor (farms, businesses, natural resources, etc.) should be owned by:

Labor should be allocated by:

For the accrual of property, citizens should earn through:

For productive property other than labor, the economic price system (how productive property valuations are determined) should be a:

For non-productive property, the economic price system (how non-productive property valuations are determined) should be a:

The value of the labor of citizens (the wages for their labor when using the productive property of others) should be determined by a:

Businesses should be structured:

Civilian possession of the following as property should be illegal:

Policing should:

The judicial system (not voluntary resolution such as arbitration) should:

The punitive system for law violations should include:

The punitive system for law violations should:

Military formation should:

Lethal gun possession should be:

A government's foreign policy should be:

Programs for national security from threats outside the purview of the military and police should:

A government utilizing mass surveillance on the private lives of citizens should be:

Non-police emergency services should:

Economic interventions by the government should include:

Social welfare should:

Social welfare programs should include:

Formation of a currency should:

Citizenship/immigration systems should:

Self-evident necessary requirements for citizenship should include:

Non-self-evident necessary requirements for citizenship should include:

Educational institutions should:

For education:

Technological research institutions should:

Hospitals should:

Infrastructure should:

Media should:

A business should be:

Concerning businesses paying laborers for their labor, businesses should be:

Concerning the lobbying of government officials, citizens and businesses should be:

The forms of involuntary taxation used by the government should be:

Involuntary taxation should be done at a:

For citizens, the average proportion of all their taxes out of all their earnings should be around:

For corporations, the average proportion of all their taxes out of all their earnings (revenue) should be around:

Concerning cultural discrimination in the workplace, employers should be:

Concerning religion and government, a sovereign government should:

The state religion(s) of a government should be:

The state irreligion(s) of a government should be:

Nonadherence to the state irreligion(s) should be:

Concerning race (ancestry, skin color, etc.), people should:

Concerning native citizens and immigrant citizens, People should:

Concerning loyalty/service to the state, people should:

Concerning merit (intelligence, talent, achievement, etc.), people should:

Concerning occupation, people should:

Concerning wealth, people should:

Concerning gender and gender norms, people should:

Concerning sexual orientations, people should:

Concerning pregnant citizens and abortions, pregnant citizens should:

Marriage between pairs of people with certain genders or sexual orientations should be:

Concerning marriage, people should:

Concerning the restriction of citizens' travel into and out of the governed territory, a government should:

The violence laws of a government should include:

Concerning various miscellaneous aspects, government policies should include:
